EQUALITY. No More. No Less.
The 2011 Boston Pride Theme reminds us to continue the fight for full and true equality, with no exceptions and no concessions. Equal treatment under the law, in our schools, at work, in our neighborhoods, at church. Anywhere and Everywhere. We expect to be treated with respect and fairness by our peers, families, elected officials, doctors, landlords, employers, neighbors and religious leaders. Anyone and Everyone. We insist on the same rights, dignity, protection, access and opportunities in our towns, cities, countries and worldwide. All people. All places. All ways.
Week Recap
While the final days of Pride Week once again brought heavy rains and a February-like cold, Boston’s LGBT Community celebrated with their usual high-spirits, bright colors, and fun-loving attitudes that simply could not be drenched.
Saturday’s successful Parade and Festival successful were followed by one of the most well attended Stuart Street Block Parties ever held, likely due in part to the weather-related cancellation of the concurrent JP Block Party. “Closing the JP Party was a difficult decision for us to make, but the response from guests was unbelievably positive,” says Deputy Director Keri Aulita. “Unanimously, people who came over from JP expressed their excitement and preference for one party where we could all celebrate together. It was a silver lining after a long two days of inclement weather.”
Parade Marshals
Individual: John Affuso, Attorney
Group: Community Servings
Honorary: Rev. Professor Peter J. Gomes
Pride Pageant Winners
Royal Queen – Sapphira Cristal, Royal Gender Bender – Rhonda Bout and Royal King – Matt Leonard
Block Parties
JP Block Party Was Cancelled – The decision was based on a number of factors including limited volunteer resources and financial considerations. Due to the inclement weather, the Boston Pride Committee will suffer a financial loss today regardless of any decision we make, and so we had to make some tough choices that would help us reduce that loss. Stuart Street is our largest fundraising event of the year and accounts for a large portion of our revenue stream.
Back Bay Block Party: DJ Tracy Young

Listen to an exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson host of OUTTAKE VOICES™ talks with Keri Aulita, Deputy Director of the Boston Pride Committee, about this year’s theme and events.
2011 Boston Pride Photo Galleries
Click on the buttons below to view the event photo gallery. Note: You will be taken to the Boston Pride Smugmug Website

Fri. June 3, 2011

Sat. June 4, 2011

Sat. June 11, 2011

Sat. June 11, 2011

Sun. June 12, 2011
Event Details
Date: June 3-12, 2011
Theme: EQUALITY. No More. No Less.
Organized by: New Boston Pride Committee, Inc.
Parade Route
START – Tremont St, Left on Berkeley St., Right on Boylston St., Left on Charles St., Right on Beacon St., Left on Tremont St., Cambridge St., END – City Hall Plaza