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2004 Equal Justice: Freedom to Marry

Gay pride parade pays tribute to marriage

The 34th annual Boston Pride Parade was decked out in white lace yesterday, as thousands took to the streets to celebrate gay marriage. Floats were trimmed with satin bows, white balloons, and paper wedding bells, and carried tiered wedding cakes. Brides and grooms in tuxedos and gowns

The Pride Parade occurred one month after Massachusetts became the first state in the nation to legalize same-sex marriage; it felt to many like a wedding reception.

Fittingly, the Freedom to Marry Coalition and GLAD were the Grand Marshals. All seven couples who went to court to fight for marriage equality in the Goodrich decision rode in a lavender Duck boat. Bishop Gene V. Robinson received the Pride Interfaith Award at Old South Church at the annual Interfaith Pride Service. At Union United Church, Unity Pride held a second annual GospelnBrunch.

Parade Marshals

Grand Marshals: Freedom to Marry Coalition and GLAD

Copyright by Michael Van Devere, Fabular Films

Photos and Memorabilia from 2004

LGBTQ Historical Highlights
  • The SJC decision on marriage takes effect on May 17, 2004. Cambridge opens its city hall after midnight to issue the first same-sex marriage licenses in American history[2]
Event Details

Date: June 12, 2004

Theme: Equal Justice: Freedom to Marry

Organized by: The Boston Pride Committee, Inc.

Parade Route

START – Copley Sq., Boylston St., Right on Clarendon St., Left on Tremont St., Left on Berkeley St., Right on Boylston St., Left on Charles St.,  END – Boston Common

[1] The 2015 Boston Pride Guide 45th Anniversary – #WickedProud
[2] A LGBTQ Historical Timeline, Compiled by Attorney Don Gorton of the Boston Pride Stonewall Committee
Video: Copyright by Michael Van Devere Fabular Films