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1980 All Our Voices, All Our Visions

Pride co-chairs Tom Chiodo and Beth Kelly held 21 weekly meetings leading up to Pride. Women and men were represented on the committee in equal numbers for the first time.

During the week, The History Project hosted slideshows at Boston University and the bars Somewhere and Playland, covering 350 years of gay and lesbian history. Nearly every lesbian and gay organization in Boston was represented in the Parade.

Excerpt from the 1980 Events Calendar, the Pride Guide.
In this year of Boston’s Jubilee 350, as the city’s diverse communities prepare to celebrate, lesbian women, and gay men are joining together for our 10th annual celebration. This year’s lesbian and gay pride march will be Saturday June 21st. The weeks preceeding and following the pride march, will offer a variety of events highlighting the many aspects of our community. The theme of this year’s ceklebration is “All our voices, all our visions.” We invite all our friends, in all our communities to attend events, to support them, to enjoy them, and to join in a new decade of pride and celebration

Events included: Flea Market, Sing-In, Formal Ball, Old-Fashioned Picnic, Artworks ’80, Leather/Denim Identity Workshop, Massachusetts Lesbian/Gay Communication Network, School Workers Event, Legal Workshop, Lesbians in Fiction, Contra Dance, Is Gay Healthy? Health Seminar for Gay Men, Israeli Party, Parade and Rally, Women’s Dance, Bike Ride, Tennis Match, Running Mini-Marathon, Non-competitive Games, Love and Sex: BLAGMAR Event, Lesbian/Drinking/Alcoholism, Movement Experimental Theater & Creativity, Body Builder for Beginners, Lesbian Film Festival, Juice Bar for Gay Youth, Parents of Gays Event, Art Workshop, Full Moon Celebration.

An estimated 8,000 people attended the Rally. (GCN, 1980 Vol. 7, No.49)

Robin McCormack, Mayor White’s liaison to the gay community.

Photos and Memorabilia from 1980
LGBTQ Historical Highlights
Event Details

Date: June 21, 1980

Theme: All Our Voices, All Our Visions

Organized by: Boston Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee
Treasurer – Beth Kelly

Parade Route

START – Copley Sq., Down Boylston St., Left on Charles St., Right on Cambridge St., To Tremont St., Right on Park St., Left on Beacon St. END – Boston Common

[1] The 2015 Boston Pride Guide 45th Anniversary – #WickedProud
Photo Credits:
  • Featured Photo Credit: 1980_GCN.BPP-00.046 Ellen Shub – Two women holding a sign that reads “Lesbian Feminism is making it in Massachusetts” during the 1980 Boston Pride Parade
  • 1980_GCN.BPP-00.040 Susan Fleischmann – Two women holding a sign that reads We’re Nice Jewish Girls during the 1980 Boston Pride March