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1975 The Movement Grows

The March was led by women and included a “Gay Peaceable Kingdom” float with the Lavender Rhino and other animals gathered in harmony.

Another float carried the “Statue of Liberty Twins” holding hands, an image which also appeared on a button.

On June 14, members of the Fort Hill Faggots, a gay commune in Roxbury, leafleted in downtown Boston, urging people to “Remember Stonewall”. They exhorted, “Gay Pride Week to reflect the spirit of Stonewall – to publically celebrate and reclaim the right to self-expression of our bodies.”

Speakers included: Elaine Noble and Rita Mae Brown were co-emcees.

Attendance was estimated at approximately 2,000

Activities that year included a candlelight march to remember all gays killed during the past year, a night of “Gay History and Herstory”, and a panel discussion on improving press coverage of gay people and their neighborhoods.[1]

Press Release announcing the Events for New England Pride Week 1975
Photos and Memorabilia from 1975
Event Details

Date: Gay Pride Week June 16-28, 1975, Parade June 21st.

Theme: 5th Gay Pride. At the first planning meeting it was decided to a Bicentennial theme and to have floats  with the theme, “200 years of gay history.”

Organized by: Lavender Rhino, Inc. Members: Lois Johnson, Shari Barden and Ellen B. Davis.

Parade Route

START – Copley Sq., Down Dartmouth St., Right on Commonwealth Ave., Left on Arlington St., Right on Boylston St., Left on Charles St., Right on Cambridge St., To Tremont St., Right on Park St., Left on Beacon St. END – Parkman Bandstand

[1] The 2015 Boston Pride Guide 45th Anniversary – #WickedProud
[2] A LGBTQ Historical Timeline, Compiled by Attorney Don Gorton of the Boston Pride Stonewall Committee